A group of people sitting around each other.

company consulting and free originator adivce

At Brumco Holdings, LLC, We use our experience in national production growth to create a growth strategy tailored specifically for each company we work with.  We help refine your value proposition and build a strategy that is yours to leverage forever.  Every company has a value proposition, we enhance the messaging and target the producers that you want to speak with.  Our model is designed to help your company organically drive candidates to your growth personnel on a consistent basis.

Staff Training

We provide comprehensive staff training to ensure your team is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive your business forward.

Strategic Consulting

At Brumco Holdings, LLC, we believe in the power of strategic planning and offer comprehensive consulting services to ensure a steady and consistent flow of new candidates that fit your model.

Growth Strategy Development

We understand that every business is unique and requires a tailored approach. Our growth strategy development service is designed to identify key growth opportunities and establish a clear path for your business's success.

A group of people sitting around a laptop.

Recruit Flow Development

Attracting the right talent is crucial for any business. Our recruit flow development service ensures you attract top-tier talent while also improving your hiring processes for maximum efficiency.

Implementation of Mapping System

We use mapping software combined with originator data to build your audience.  You will have access to your map at all times and will be able to modify your target audience at any time. 

CRM Implementation

Customer relationship management (CRM) is key to any successful business. We provide CRM implementation services to help you manage customer relationships and drive production growth.

Reporting Tools

Our reporting tools service provides detailed insights into your business operations, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and boost your performance.

A woman taking a selfie with two men.

Social Media Re-Targeting Campaigns

Once we identify the perfect audience for your company, we will generate a social media campaign designed to put your value propositions front and center.  The goal is to create brand awareness and drive inbound interest in your company.

Outbound Dialer Coordination

Our outbound dialer coordination service helps improve your outbound calling strategy, ensuring you reach your target audience effectively.

Manufacturing Cost Reduction

Our manufacturing cost reduction service is designed to help you reduce costs and improve profitability. We offer strategies and solutions that have been proven to reduce manufacturing costs.

Free Consulting for Mortgage Loan Originators

At Brumco Holdings, LLC, we offer free consulting for mortgage loan originators. We provide expert advice and strategic planning to help you navigate the complex mortgage industry. Contact us today for your free consultation.

The Tools we leverage for you

  • Mapping Software And Data
  • CRM Recommendations
  • Social Media Strategy, Content And Creation

Our Service Options

  1. Full Service with Data Provision: We provide everything you need to grow production including access to our national database of originators!
  2. Service Excluding Data for Mapping Solution: We will provide everything you need to grow.  Our exclusive originator data in not included in this option but we will use it for our social media campaigns on your behalf.
  3. Service Excluding CRM Implementation: All offerings in Option 2 but excluding CRM setup and implementation.
A group of people sitting around a table.

Join Us on a Transformative Experience

Discover how our commitment to excellence, proven experience, and client-centric approach set us apart. Join us on this transformative experience and witness the impact of strategic collaboration on your journey to success. Reach out to us now.